Sunday, April 19, 2009

As promised, here are some photos taken during our visit to the SWAMI welfare home. Enjoy!

Slide 1Luo Ping: "It is important to have a contingency plan so as to solve any unexpected situations. To have a successful event, we need to plan ahead of time and make sure it's perfect."

Mabel: "I've learnt to be responsible for my tasks, like organizing games and the performance. I've learnt to communicate well with team members."

Issac: "The visit to the home taught be humility. The best leader doesn't mean he/she has humility. The old folks' home changed my perspective of people. It was an eye opener."
Slide 3

Slide 4 Patrina: "Contingency plans must be prepared. I've learnt to be very patient with old folks, such as communicating and listening to what they have to say. If one should ever reach old age, health is important because it's not a good thing to be dependent on others, because you only give yourself a sense of helplessness."

Charlotte: "I think we should visit them more often, and if there's future events, we should make an effort to visit and entertain them. We also need a lot of coordination and teamwork to get things done.

Slide 5

Wei Quan: " I've learnt how life can be so difficult for old folks. It taught me how to treasure the people around me. Community service is something everyone should be involved in.

GM Banu: I've learnt leadership, and being a leader takes a lot of patience. The visit was a good exposure, and a lot of fun. Money can't buy hapiness. The folks are taken care in a well-maintained envrironment, but they're not happy. It takes more than money to be happy!

Han xing: What it takes is just very simple games to make the folks happy. They do not require as much physical needs, as compared to emotional ones. All the need is someone beside to talk to them. Never talk about sensitive issues as it would only trigger their bad experiences.

Pei jia: The old folks are not happy even with the good facilities in the home. We should cherish the people around us, and never put elderly in a home. I've learnt organizing skills and ways to communicate better with old folks. Always be patient with them, and listen to their needs.

Atlee: I've learnt to be more loving and caring towards old folks as they are neglected. It is sad to see them do their routines everyday, which is something they do not enjoy at all. I hope i won't be like them next time.

A quote from an English Novel author. Ann Radcliffe: " One act of beneficence, one act of real usefulness, is worth all the abstract sentiment in the world. "

A quote from Mohandas K. Gandhi: "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."


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